
Showing posts from August, 2023

Real conversations with friends

This podcast episode moved me and I felt the need to share it, along with some personal thoughts about what friendships mean to me. BFFs (best friends forever) The personal One of the biggest blessings in my life are the friends that I have. Finding and being friends was a huge mystery to me for a very long time. It was something that I longed to have and at many times believed that I wasn't a person that anyone would want as a friend. And there was some truth to that, but not because I wasn't enough (like I believed), but because I didn't even know who I was and I couldn't think past "I need to do what I'm supposed to do." I could have stayed with this, but I was lucky. I was very lucky to go to university far away from where I grew up and get some other perspectives and imagine a new life. I'm forever grateful for all the experiences (including the not-fun-parts which help you grow) and people I met in college. Finally really hearing the question fro