Real conversations with friends

This podcast episode moved me and I felt the need to share it, along with some personal thoughts about what friendships mean to me.

BFFs (best friends forever)

The personal

One of the biggest blessings in my life are the friends that I have. Finding and being friends was a huge mystery to me for a very long time. It was something that I longed to have and at many times believed that I wasn't a person that anyone would want as a friend. And there was some truth to that, but not because I wasn't enough (like I believed), but because I didn't even know who I was and I couldn't think past "I need to do what I'm supposed to do." I could have stayed with this, but I was lucky.

I was very lucky to go to university far away from where I grew up and get some other perspectives and imagine a new life. I'm forever grateful for all the experiences (including the not-fun-parts which help you grow) and people I met in college. Finally really hearing the question from a friend, "Why are you even trying so hard? Is this what YOU want?" and able to dive into the rabbit hole of self-help and being around people that knew who they were and were themselves because they chose to be. To realize that what you think influences every-single moment of your outer life. And then the freedom and hope in realizing that I can change the direction of my life, and the terror/thrill in realizing what that can mean.

So thank you friends of the past, present and future. Now onto the pod.

The podcast

#004 Mo'Nique | The Roseanne Barr Podcast

This conversation is between comedic legends, Roseanne Barr and Mo'Nique. They are funny, beautiful, dirty (they get really dirty), honest, and inspiring. This podcast episode was inspiring in many ways...

  • inspiring to say and be willing to listen to truths (including the hard ones),
  • inspiring to be creative and have a strength of character,
  • inspiring to continue to grow as a person,
  • inspiring to see excellence and humbleness reside in harmony,
  • inspiring to be a great friend and celebrate the person they are, and
  • inspiring to see a friendship last through the years and only get stronger.

Again, I will mention this is a very raw conversation between two comedians and it's not for everyone, but if it's for you, then I'm glad you had a chance to get some good laughs as well as feel a true friendship conversation full of love and life!

For those interested, I need to also share one of the most moving (and funny) comedy specials "Mo'Nique: I Coulda Been Your Cellmate!" that you can get on Amazon or listen to on Spotify.

Some questions

And for those that enjoy conversation prompts, here are some topics that either came from this podcast or were inspired by it:

  • What do you want to celebrate in your friend's accomplishments?
  • What do you still think about or reflect on from your childhood?
  • What are you still holding on to that you want to let go of?
  • Have you seen your own evolution in romantic relationships?
  • What do you hope for (or fear) in the partners your children chose?
  • Do you believe in aliens or something unconventional that makes someone question your sanity?
  • What are the next great things you see for your future?
  • What do you want to accomplish together with your friend?
  • What movies/performances bring you to tears?
  • Which comedians make you laugh?

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