How did I end up in Innsbruck and with this blog?

This is a different kind of week, with a little more origin story about how I ended up in Innsbruck.

The short answer is I got married to an Austrian from Tirol. The longer story is hopefully interesting enough to read for you. If not, and your mind begins to wander, feel free to look at some of the pics and skip to the German exercise at the end which is about prepositions or Präpositionen in German.

One of my favorite views in Innsbruck, near Markthalle

As time passes, it's strange to see different similarities with my parents. Maybe you've experienced this too, with your smile, how you talk about money, or how you might not be able to handel beans. In my case, I find myself in their language-learning shoes when I moved to Austria in 2019. I’m a daughter of two immigrant parents who moved from South America to the US and learned English along the way. Despite having Spanish-speaking parents, my younger-shyer self never quiet learned how to speak the language.

This is just a silly beach memory from the last visit I made to New York.

I’ve always had the dream or hope that learning a second language would be part of my life, and when I moved to South Korea to teach English, I thought that Korean might be that new language. Unfortunately, my shyness came again in speaking incorrectly and my ease in communication in English with colleagues and those eager to practice their English had left my Korean knowledge to take a permanent pause with annyeonghaseyo and kamsahamnida.

A site in Korea in Seoraksan National Park

After couple of years in Seoul, I was very excited to serve in Israel in the Bahai World Centre. This is a very special place for many Bahais and grateful for the opportunity to be there. I thought this might be the next language, Hebrew. Again, finding it much easier and familiar to speak English and knowing Israel was just a temporary home, I didn't learn.

Standing at the Shrine of the Bab

While in Israel, I met my Austrian husband who was also at the Bahai World Centre and between my home, New York, and his home, Innsbruck, we decided to fly over to Austria, or Österreich as it’s called in German. So after missing out on Spanish, Korean, and Hebrew, now is the moment to break the cycle in learning German and I’m here to help others who are striving for this second language.

One of my favorite views comes from Jenbach, Tirol

And so that was a little over a year ago by now and I had lots of help from family, native German speaking friends, friends that are learning German, YouTube channels like EasyGerman, apps like Seedlang, prayer groups (Devotionals/Andachts), a clarinet choir, and learning centers like Wifi. Thinking about all the help I received was one of the reasons for starting this blog, so I can offer help to others :)

German Exercise for the Week

Präpositionen Übung 1 (Level: A2)
Prepositions are a big theme in German. In this exercise, you'll practice using the correct prepositions with verbs, and watch out, because you'll also need to know if you need the Dativ or Akkusativ article.

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