
Showing posts from December, 2022

Old year reflections and new year dreams

Being a big fan of self-reflection, I love to think about what is to come in the new year and dream. New Year's resolutions has been seen more now as a shallow promise to make a big change, but I like to think of this more as an opportunity to look back on the previous year and then stop and think about where I want to be, what I would like to do, the possibilities that await. And if you can find a friend or friends who are also into a review, then all the better! Sharing visions and dreams can sometimes really become fuel for a wonderful journey. I've put together 2 small things to get the conversation going. It's not all questions about the meaning of life, but allows for looking into the previous year and then a little thought as what is to come. I recommend this mini reflection workshop below. New Year Reflection Program #1 Find a friend or friends who want to reflect together! Make it a date :) #2 Sit down together and enjoy some snacks and tea/coffee.

Wayne Dyer's warming-wisdom on your life journey preparing you for your life purpose

I was lucky enough to be part of a group years ago that would meet regularly and watch a video that would be related to self-improvement. Sometimes it was in nutrition, or exercise, and sometimes motivation. This was the one talk that stood out for me among all those shared. It took me a while to find the video, because I sadly forgot the name of Dr. Wayne Dyer . But thank you internet search as I was able to find him by remembering a little of his own personal story that he shared within this talk.

Victor Wooten's refreshing take on the language of music

  Upon starting an Elementary Music Pedagogy Ausbilding (Ausbildung means a kind of certification program / study of something) I have been very motivated and interested in going deeper into the topic of what is music and how we connect to it. Going through the YouTube rabbit hole, I was very grateful to run into a TED Talk by Victor Wooten who is a bass player, teacher, and musical ambassador. He starts by sharing his own experience in being raised into a pass player and made a very profound comparison regarding "jamming with the professionals". He believes (as do I) that music is a language. And just as we learn our native language, we start right away in conversing with the "professionals". That a baby isn't told, "oh you don't know enough about sentence structure, therefore you need to wait to talk to mom and dad." This sounds ridiculous, but then when I think about the way music education is structured, this is what tends to happen.

Susan Cain's Bittersweet TED Talk about Sad Songs

This was a discovery when looking for an interesting Unlocking Us with Brené Brown Podcast called How Sorrow and Longing Make Us Whole on Spotify. (Brené Brown is an author that had been recommended to me by my sister and I recommend her onward!)