Old year reflections and new year dreams

Being a big fan of self-reflection, I love to think about what is to come in the new year and dream. New Year's resolutions has been seen more now as a shallow promise to make a big change, but I like to think of this more as an opportunity to look back on the previous year and then stop and think about where I want to be, what I would like to do, the possibilities that await.

And if you can find a friend or friends who are also into a review, then all the better! Sharing visions and dreams can sometimes really become fuel for a wonderful journey. I've put together 2 small things to get the conversation going. It's not all questions about the meaning of life, but allows for looking into the previous year and then a little thought as what is to come. I recommend this mini reflection workshop below.

New Year Reflection Program

#1 Find a friend or friends who want to reflect together! Make it a date :)

#2 Sit down together and enjoy some snacks and tea/coffee.

#3 Listen to an uplifting song together or perhaps a few that move your spirit. A friend shared this song with me and it's a great fit for the new year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5q33Y2GxjNg This song "Glücklich" is in German and is speaking about how today is the day to be happy.


#4 Read inspiring quotes together. The way I've done it is take 5 minutes to read each by yourself and choose the 5 that are most inspiring to you. Then take turns and share back and forth the ones you choose and why. Link to PDF here.


#5 Have fun with the personal reflection! If you have the time fill it all out and then talk about it. If not get it started together and then finish it at home. It's a small step into thinking about your past and dreaming of what is to come. Link to PDF here.


I will end by simply saying have a wonderful New Year 2023 and may it bring joy and happiness :)

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