A Big Heart-felt Welcome (Ein großes herzliches Willkommen)

It’s possible for you to learn German!  I’m speaking as someone who’s failed 3 other languages and I wasn’t going to let German be number 4. So far, with lots of determination, friends, classes and Austria itself, I’m finally breaking the curse, and I want to help others learn the language. This blog is hopefully going to give you:
  • useful information about integration into Austria (particularly Innsbruck, Tirol), 
  • great finds from other great German language resources,
  • exercises to help build up those German-Speaking muscles,
  • some encouragement when it feels impossible,
  • and some laughs along the way.
With every post there will be an accompanied German exercise! Posts will come every Tuesday.  And so, if this sounds like a fun and helpful place, then I invite you to add this blog into your German learning arsenal and subscribe. Feel free to share with your friends using the share icon to the right of the title!😊

German Exercise for the Week:
Übung für Verben und Adjektive 1 (Level: A2)
This was an exercise that I made for some friends and me to get some more practice with short texts,  verb conjugation, and adjective practice. The answers are provided as well. Enjoy and tell me what kinds of exercises you would like to see!

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