beschließen, entschließen, entscheiden... to decide, to decide, to decide! (Level: B1)

Which of the three Level B1 verbs to decide on?

Sometimes when we learn a language, we learn a new very cool word from class or book or friend and are excited to try it out. Then that glorious moment comes for you to use that word with a native speaker, and after you say it, you ask, "Is that how you use the word ...?" Sometimes you get back, "genau" or depending on how impressiv your feat was, maybe a look of wonder. Sometimes, however, you get that hesitant look accompanied with a pause and something like, "Weeeeeeell, I wouldn't necessarily use that word in this situation, I would rather say ... .". (And thank you out there to all those native speakers willing to help us out!)

Today we will look at these three words - beschließen, entschließen, entscheiden - and unravel some of the ways we can use them in the sense of 'deciding'. Two websites that have been very helpful for German learning also helped this process. The first is LEO ( which offers many translations and conjugations. We will use their list of definitions. The second is Duden ( which is a German dictionary that has a breakdown of things like word level (e.g. A1, A2, B1, etc.), word frequency, example sentences, and more. Also according to Duden, all these three words are level B1!

beschließen (to decide... officially)

Beschließen has many different definitions, one of them "to decide something". From Duden, the first definition states "[nach reiflicher Überlegung] einen bestimmten Entschluss fassen" or "make a certain decision [after careful consideration]". It seems that this decide is more of an 'official' to decide something. You can see below from Leo that the English word enact was used as one of the definitions. This means things you would hear things like:
  • The government decides laws. - Die Regierung beschließt Gesetze. 
  • The business deciding to merge with it's newly acquired company. - Das Unternehmen beschließt mit der neu übernommenen Firma zu fusionieren.
  • The divorce was finalized. - Die Scheidung wurde beschlossen. (Note that this beschließen is used as finalized)
LEO beschließen translation:ßen

Duden beschließen details:

entschließen (to decide... what to do)

Entschließen is more about, as LEO states, making up your mind. Duden agrees with this idea saying, "den Entschluss (zu einem bestimmten Handeln) fassen" or "to make the decision (for a certain action)". Below are some example sentences:
  • I decided to wake up early on the weekend. - Ich entschloss mich am Wochenende früh aufzuwachen.
  • Sarah decided to study the day before her exam. - Sarah entschloss sich am Tag vor ihrer Prüfung zu lernen.
  • My mom decided to go back and finish university. - Meine Mutter entschloss sich an der Universität ihr Studium abzuschließen.
LEO entschließen translation:ßen
Duden entschließen details:

entscheiden (to decide... what thing to choose)

Should I decide on a Netflix movie or series? Entschieden is all about choosing something to have.  Duden states in one of their definitions, "nach Prüfen, Vergleichen oder kurzem Besinnen in einem Entschluss seine Wahl auf jemanden, etwas festlegen" or "After reviewing, comparing, or briefly reflecting in a decision, his choice on someone to commit something". Here are some examples:
  • I decided on vanilla ice cream over strawberry. - Ich entschied mich für Vanilleeis anstelle von Erdbeereis.
  • He mistakenly decided to wear the pin stripped suit on is interview. - Er entschied sich fälschlicherweise den Nadelstreifenanzug beim Interview zu tragen. (In the context of knowing he was deciding between different suits.)
  • We will decide to choose who will pick up the pizza tomorrow. - 
LEO entschieden translation:
Duden entschieden details:

And that was a small look into these three verbs and part of their definitions. As with English, words can have more than one definition. For example, entschieden has a lit more flexibility with it's meanings and can be used in a similar way to beschließen (see definition 1 on Duden). If you really want your head to spin some more, don't forget that there three verbs also have an equivalent noun: der Beschlussdie Entschließung, and die Entscheidung. Thank you for reading, and if you'd like updates, you can follow me on Instagram or Twitter, links below:


German Exercise for the Week:
Übung für beschließen, entschließen, entscheiden (Level: B1)
This will give you practice with the three verbs spoken about in the post!

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