Sistrans Hiking

Good day to everyone, I hope good things happened for you and your families. Today is going to be a simple picture blog from a short jog through a really beautiful forest near Sistrans!

Sistrans is part of Innsbruck, but as you can see in the picture, it's not in the main part of the city, but up the mountain!

And you can see Innsbruck very well from up above! The jog started around the corner of Patcherkofel and Badhausweg.

One thing I love about hikes around here is the delicious cold and refreshing water from the mountains! The water is always running. This one had a wooden squirrel design!

Along the way in many different hikes, you can find directions with a rough estimate of walking time it would take to get there. Also you'll find signs. I'm personally not that great with directions, so my strategy when I'm by myself is just to go straight in one direction, so that way I can just turn around to go back without getting too lost.


There are many beautiful things to see on the way. The birds are chirping, the forest is also smelling wonderful and feeling very peaceful.

If you ever have a chance to come to Innsbruck, I really recommend going into the forests :)

German Exercise for the Week

Wenn, Weil, Dass Übung (Level: A2)

In this exercise, you'll read a short dialogue and fill in the correct wenn, weil, dass for the missing words.

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