Cool Podcast List

Are you OBSESSED with podcasts and searching for something new? Or are you thinking about trying one out for the first time?

Here's a list of different podcasts that I've found wonderful in their own ways. Some are German learning related, some are story-based, some are... well you can read a little about it and dive in! They are in alphabetical order, because it's too hard to order them.

And if you know of a great podcast (especially one in German, especially especially if the German might be follow-able for a B1 level-ish person) I would very much appreciate your recommendation in the comments below.

If you like music and are curious to dive into opera then this is perfect. I was never an opera fan, but the way they look into one song of an opera and the juicy stories being told in the opera, and I mean juuuuuuicy.

Best Friends with Nicole Byer and Sasheer Zamata

Found through the one and only Nicole Byer, host of Nailed it. Basically you get to listen into the conversation between two very good, very honest, and very extra friends :P It's either for you or a big no within the first 10 minutes.

Dolly Parton's America

This was recommended to me and now I'm recommending it to you! After listening to the first episode, I became a Dolly Parton fan. It's a deep dive into Dolly's expansive music and life journey with Dolly herself. At some points even spiritual, at some points majestic, and at all points positively fascinating.

Easy German

This is a German learning podcast with 2 of my favorite hosts, Cari and Manuel. They have nice topics and speak really clearly and have a pleasant vibe. Their Easy German YoutTube is also great.


If you are a fan of We're Alive, this is a MUST. It's shorter, but it's very very well done. I might even say I prefer it over We're Alive, but both are top notch. You don't need to listen to We're Alive first for Goldrush, but I think it's much nicer to experience things from the beginning. This is a story related to some of the characters, but a true adventure with character development and of course the zombie threat. I would say, the first episode was a bit difficult because there were new voices, and a new situation, but don't let that stop you. I listened to it twice, and then kept going.

Hardcore History

When I was in school, history was not my subject. So I was a bit hesitant to try this recommendation, but I'm glad that I gave it a try. It's fascinating and he's the history teacher you wish you had who connects the dots and tells a story and helps you see the world's story in a new way.

How's Work? Esther Perel

Found after listening to Esther's other podcast "Where should we begin?" and it's another dive into true life stories not told by actors, but directly by the people in her office. The first episode is a really nice introduction into what she hopes to look into with the listener of the podcast.


If you love psychology and getting into the mind, this is the one for you. The hosts explore different topics and really do well with interviews and sounds to get you into the story. One of the last I've heard was about friendships and the different kinds of awkward kinds that we might not speak of, such as friendship ghosting.


Another Nicole Byer gold mind. Nicole and Lauren Lapkus are in for the ride of watching a series for the first time and the first series exploration was through the Star Wars universe. This was one of my favorites because of the playful nature of the hosts and guests. They even have some fun with writing their own fan fiction. If you want to see the hosts suffer then listen to the second season where they explore Lord of the Rings (except for the awesome episode where they play a round of dnd). Their third season was Tyler Perry which was a roller coaster and a breath of fresh air for the hosts. For me personally, they started getting stale towards the end, but it was nice to her the hosts have a good time.

The Phenomenon

The Phenomenon was a pretty interesting end of world radio show podcast. Not as great as We're Alive, Goldrush or Tumanbay, but still worth listening too. (And trust me, I've tried searching for them!) I wouldn't give away too much, but give it a go and if you like the first 2 episodes, you'll probably keep going!


One of the first podcasts that I listened to, they are very exciting and have interesting topics. You don't need to listen to them back to back, and if you are interested in lots of sounds and interviewers, this is a fun one.

Revisionist History

Malcolm Gladwell is the person who wrote "Outliers: The Story of Success" a book that takes an interesting look into how success might have a thread of commonality and a stars-in-alignment path. This revisionist history looks into things that we have learned in history class, but with a different take. I grew up in a time when we would happily talk about Columbus discovering America when in fact you learn later about the other side of the story. I would say definitely take a dive with Malcolm (and he is the voice in the podcast) on his revisionist history.

Rice to Meet You

"A podcast where two Asian hosts try to be FU-NN-EYYYYY" is how they introduce themselves. If you're a stand up fan, an Uncle Roger fried rice fan, then this might be fun for you too! It's very addicting if you like it.

The Secret Room
A podcast where you hear other people's deepest secrets? Count me in! And that's what you get. There are funny stories, horrifying stories, addiction stories, and many other topics that would make great conversation.

Serial goes through a true story, investigation into a murder. Once you start, you can't stop.


A wonderfully well done radio drama into a foreign make-believe land. Follow the journey and get sucked into a new world, full of danger, intrigue, romance, and well-voice-acted greatness.

We're Alive

One of the best podcasts of all time. It's the first radio drama I've ever listened to and over teh years I have re-listened to it multiple times. Yes, a zombie apocalypse story, but a damn good one. I remember walking home at night listening to this and absolutely freaking out for my life. Great actors, great sound design, and compelling story and characters. It is a MUST!!!!

Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel

Discovered through Invisibilia, this is a podcast where you can listen into real couples therapy sessions with a world renowned therapist who is also guiding you through their journeys. Listening to these have really given me some perspective and lots of ideas about my own relationships. Give it a go and see what you think.

Why Won't You Date Me

I ran into this delightful and very NSFW podcast when googling the fantastic host of Nailed It! Boy it was a true treat to hear her intro to the podcast for the first time. I died of laughter and proceeded to chuckle the whole way through. She is honest, blunt, and not afraid to ask why won't you date me. Have a listen, and be warned, this is either for you, or not for you.
Have any more to recommend? Share in the comments below!

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