Longer sentences in German? Conjunction... Part 1

During these very interesting times in the pandemic, maybe you would like to write to your German speaking friends about life or maybe you would like to write a comment on YouTube, Instagram, or blog in German? Now is the time! I believe in you and why not also strive to make bigger sentences?

Are you ready to take your sentences to the next level? Then we will dive into the ocean of conjunctions and learn how to swim in this sea.

Yes, this was beautifully hand-crafted by me. *'diving' of laughter*

What are conjunctions? In German they are called Konjunktionen and you use these special words to combine 2 sentences. Have you seen the three 'and' words and one 'or' above? These are conjunctions, specifically coordinating conjunction (Konjunktionen). The rule for combining these two sentences are simple, you keep the standard verb in second position rule for the first and second sentence as you can see below.

... verb 2nd position ... (,) coordinating conjunction ...  verb 2nd position ... .

Here are some sentence examples using coordinating conjunctions:
  • Ich habe einen Ball. Der Ball ist rot.
    Ich habe einen Ball und der Ball ist rot.
    (I have a ball and the ball is red.)

  • Wir spielen Klarinette. Wir singen Deutsch Musik.
    Wir spielen Klarinette oder wir singen Deutsch Musik.
    (We play clarinet or we sing German music.)

  • Jeniffer läuft am Strand. Sie will am Meer trainieren.
    Jeniffer läuft am Strand, denn sie am Meer trainieren will.
    (Jeniffer runs on the beach because she wants to exercise by the ocean.)

  • Ich esse einen Salat. Ich möchte Eis essen.
    Ich esse einen Salat, aber ich möchte Eis essen.
    (I eat a salad, but I want to eat ice cream.)

  • Er bot mir Kuchen an. Ich verneinte.
    Er bot mir Kuchen an, doch ich verneinte.
    (He offered me cake, but I said no.)

  • Amy hat keine E-Mail gesendet. Sie hat mich angerufen.
    Amy hat keine E-Mail gesendet, sondern sie hat mich angerufen.
    (Amy didn't send me an email, but rather she gave me a call.)
Note that for coordinating conjunctions, a comma is only needed for denn, aber, sondern, and doch, but you do not use a comma for und and oder

Okay, so this is only the first part of most likely three, as there are other conjunctions out there in the world! Until next week and stay safe, healthy and happy!

German Exercise for the Week:
'Coordinating Conjunctions' Übung 1 (Level: A2)
Some simple combination sentences and also a small card size cut-out so you can easily reference this technique in your writing :)

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