German phrases during Corona time

What do you appreciate more during this quarantine (for those who have one)? Around this time until the end of April - for now, those of us that live in Tirol, Austria are asked to only leave the house for the following reasons below.
  1. to go to work - um zur Arbeit zu gehen
  2. to shop - zum Einkaufen zu gehen
  3. to help other people - un anderen Menschen zu helfen
  4. for individual sports and for walking - für Individualsport und zum Spazieren

For those curious and interested, Tiroler Tageszeitung Live-Blog zu Coronavirus is where I find many updates for those that live in Tirol, including important numbers to know and the latest updates for Tirol and around the world. For example:

Translated by Google Translate

For today I'd like to share a few sentences that might be handy during this time. Note that most of these are informal, and some even a little more casual.
  1. Wanna talk? - Möchtest du sprechen?
  2. Do you want to Skype/WhatApp? - Möchtest du skypen/whatsappen? (casual)
  3. Do you want to Zoom? - Möchtest du über Zoom sprächen?
  4. Do you have time to talk? - Hast du Zeit zum Sprechen?
  5. This corona virus is changing our lives! - Der Coronavirus verändert unser leben!
  6. Have you heard anything new? - Hast du etwas neues gehört?
  7. Have there been any new restrictions lifted? - Wurden Beschränkungen aufgehoben?
  8. How is your family doing? And your friends? - Wie geht's deiner Familie? Und deinen Freunden?
  9. Need any help with groceries or something else? - Brauchst du Hilfe beim Einkaufen oder bei etwas anderem?
  10. What can I do for you? - Was kann ich für dich tun?
  11. What's changed for you since the quarantine? - Was hat sich in der Quarantäne für dich verändert?
  12. What do you appreciate more now since all this started? - Was schätzt du jetzt mehr seit das alles angefangen hat?
  13. Stay healthy! - Bleib gesund!
Question 12 has been on my mind, and keeps me in check in remembering to pay attention to the things that matter in your life. Wishing everyone health and happiness for you and your families. Bleib gesund!

German Exercise for the Week:
Über Corona sprechen (Level: A2)
This is a simple matching exercise with some writing.

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