Präpositionen mit Verben für Akkusativ

This week is about prepositions with verbs, specifically with Akkusativ!

Prepositions are words like: on, for, about, in. You use them before a noun to add more details. For example:

  • I was born in New York. / Ich bin in New York geboren.
  • She talks about birds. / Sie spricht über Vögel.
  • This present is for you. / Dieses Geschenk ist für dich.

So in German, with some verbs, you need to use specific prepositions. For the noun following the preposition, can be different German cases, but today I will be only using the Akkusativ case. Here's an example:

  1. This is the sentence I want to say in German.
    • I think about the ball.
  2. Because I will be using denken (think), I know I need to use the preposition an ('about' in this example).
    • Ich denke an the ball.
  3. Now, what German case does 'the ball' need? With denken, the noun the preposition comes after is Akkusativ. Ball is masculine, so 'the ball' is 'den Ball'.
    • Ich denke an den Ball.

So what do you do with a reflexive verb like kümmern sich? It's very similar...

  1. This is the sentence I want to say in German.
    • You care for the baby.
  2. Again, I think about the verb, which is reflexive so I need to use sich in du form... dich.
    • Du kümmerst dich for the baby.
  3. The preposition for kümmern is um and it goes after the reflexive word.
    • Du kümmerst dich um the baby.
  4.  So, what does 'the baby' need to be? Akkusativ is matched with kümmern so it becomes 'das Baby'.
    •  Du kümmerst dich um das Baby.

So sometimes you will see denken an etwas (akk.) which is basically the steps you saw above. Below are a list of different Akkusativ prepositions with the verb. Give it a try with the exercises below!


German Exercise for the Week:

Akk. Präpositionen mit Verben Übung (Level: A2)
The exercise this week uses the verbs above for practice in a special way. Each preposition shares a small story that contains the verb needed along with an image of the story with a hidden first letter of the preposition to help you remember :)

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