Halfway in the year review (Level 10 Life)

 So it's July and halfway through the year. It felt very good to finish June. The end of a studies and work semester, the completion of different group projects, and participating in 4 concerts was all part of June and despite getting sick the last Friday of the month, it all worked out. And funny enough, once I got the okay that things are settling down, the impulse to think of the future kicked in.

Yes, of course I am enjoying this freedom of time with relaxation too. And I think when things slow down, one feel good thing is thinking positively about what is in the present and what is to come.

So I looked at what I did last year December, the Old Year Reflections again and my last Level 10 Life. It was a good feeling to see that some things have already been completed, and also a reminder of old ideas. And I was motivated to then re-do my Level 10 Life.

What is a Level 10 Life?

It's a way to be intentional with your life focus(es). It's a concrete method to reflect and create action on meaningful parts in your life.

How do you do a Level 10 Life? 

Well the first step is where you take 10 categories that are important to you (e.g. see list below), make a wheel and then rate each of them between 1 (being not fulfilled) and 10 (being fulfilled). You can make your own grading system, it's subjective and a self-reflection for yourself. Then you see how your wheel looks. Is the wheel balanced? Is there a category that is less than you would like? Are you pleasantly surprised about a category? Then the next step is to write down 1 or more goals for each category. A suggestion for the goals part, would be to create SMART goals. See this SMART goals article for more details. Then you choose how you review them. Maybe you look at the goals weekly, monthly, bi-annually... it's up to you! And after you can start the process all over again.

Category Ideas:

  1. Family
  2. Health
  3. Fitness
  4. Hobbies
  5. Entertainment
  6. Motherhood
  7. Self-Improvement
  8. Career
  9. Language Learning
  10. Marriage
  11. Spirituality
  12. Finance
  13. Community
  14. Friends
  15. anything that's meaningful to you!

Can I mix it up and make it my own Level 10 Life?

Yes, is the obvious answer and I included the question because sometimes I forget that I have the power to make or tailor something that fits me. Maybe 10 categories are way too much, and you only want 4. Maybe you want to add another element of writing down your reflections about your wheel. Maybe you want to create a ritual around reviewing your Life 10 Life questions.

For my own Level 10 Life, I've added some written reflection after the wheel.

 So I've gotten a chance to do this again, and was so inspired by it that I felt like sharing this process in hopes that it motivates, helps, or brings something good to one of you. Wishing you all a wonderful July :)

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